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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I have a really cool son

When my son was in kindergarden, the teacher called me up and asked me if he had ever been diagnosed with ADHD.
"No," I said. "He's just a real boy."
"Well, he asks too many questions in the classroom."
"No he doesn't. You just don't have enough answers. That's what school is. You teach, he learns. My son just happens to learn best by asking questions."
"Well, it's not fair to the other children."

My son is a real boy. He's not some half-wit, braindead, robot like I see walking around our neighborhood. He is now eleven years old, going on twenty two.
I have taken special care to teach him the right "I can" attitude that has made me so doggone famous at work, home, school, and everywhere else I have ever been.
When something needs to be done, nobody will believe me if I tell them I don't know how to do it. It's the "I can do it or I can figure out how to do it" mentality. I've spent a lot of time imparting that into my son. He recently took apart and fixed his bathtub knob, because it was leaking. While I was at work. He changed out the toilet seat a few months ago.
The neighbor has two daughters about his age. They came over about a week ago and knocked on the door. "can we use Kenny for a few minutes?"
Ok, what in the world does that mean? They want to "use" my son.
Well, if I were an eleven year old boy and the neighborhood girls wanted to come use me, I would not want my father getting in the way, so I sent him out to "be used".
It turned out they needed something done, or fixed, or squashed, or climbed. Something that only a boy could do. So they thought of my son first. That's the type of boy he is.

And what I like best is that I can talk to him like a man.
He'll say something like, "daddy, why is it that you aren't as fun as Uncle Jeff to hang around with?" And if I answer, "Because when you are with Uncle Jeff you can just be friends. When you're with me, I have to be your father first, and your friend second." he's good with that.

But inside, I look foreward to the day when he is all grown up and I can just be his friend. Because he is a really cool son.


At November 14, 2006 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you - i think while your kids are young you should be their parents first, and then their friend later in life.(although I'm not a parent so I can't really say)

At November 15, 2006 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell, I ain't a parent and i know that you are screwing your kids if you are not a parent first.


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