Kinky Friedman
Jesse "the body" Ventura?
The Governator?
Y'all go on home, here comes the Kinkster.
Well what do you say about Kinky Friedman? What hasn't been said?
He's running for governor of Texas, apparently on the platform of "why the hell not?"
Not that he's ever run a state before or anything, but he's got a pretty good answer for that, too. "How hard could it be?"
You just can't argue with good old fasioned Texas charm.
He's got the hat. He's got the cigar. He's got the belt buckle.
But the main thing he has going for him is that his name is Kinky.
If you ask me, with his wit and charm alone he could win in any state in the Union.
Except Texas.
Texas is a deep red state and although I like the guy, I just can't see him winning here. It's nothing against the guy. But in the last election, the Republicans won in EVERY SINGLE state-wide race. It wasn't just a mandate. It was a clean sweep.
Governor, Leutenant Governor, U.S. Senator, Attorney General, Comptroller, Land Commisioner, Agriculture Commisioner, Railroad Commisioner, three Appeals Court Judges, and five Supreme Court justices, including the Chief Justice all went to the Republicans.
Kinky's positions on the issues are what would be his undoing.
Being pro-choice in Texas isn't good for a political career.
Add to it that he supports legalizing gay marriage and he's not even a longshot anymore.
Of course it's still fun to put a bumper sticker on your truck that has the word "kinky" on it.
But Perry is still a shoe-in for Governor.
Even with "grandma" splitting the red vote.
But hey, he could move to California and win there hands down.
I mean, why the hell not.